After years of leaving this blog ;)


My last post was maybe in 2017, right?? now it's already 2022!!

I'm already an adult. I'm 24 years old this year. JJust graduated in March and now I'm on my job hunting. Baca balik blog ni buat I teringat zaman muda remaja. How I actually had grown up. Just for your information tahun 2020 sampai tahun 2022, there was a pandemic called Covid 19. Dunia turns upside down and semua orang kena stay at home. Penyakit ni penyakit berjangkit, I dah kena covid sekali pastu rasa macam nak mati. hahah but alhamdulillah sihat ja. Hidup sampai sekarang. Bayanglah I sepatutnya grad on 2021 tapi sebab covid postpone sampai 2022.

Ini gambar konvo I, with Mak and Kak Mie. Yep due to covid wearing mask is mandatory untuk kurangkan risiko berjangkit. Tapi kerajaan dah wajibkan for every Malaysian untuk dapatkan vaccine. There were three shots that we need to acquire. Tapi ada ja geng anti-vaccine yang refuse to get the vaccine. I have never thought that I will face this kind of thing when I first create this blog. There were so many things that had happened. In terms of personal, studies and the future. Kalau I nak cerita in this one post I might need the whole day.  But it is good to actually  to be back here. 

I was not feeling myself lately, I have nothing to do. No hobbie, no friend but to be back here and tengok balik what I used to enjoy doing buat  my inner chilhood or teenagers hidup balik. Friend are getting married, have their own career, tipulah kalau tak rasa apa apa. But I believe I have my own timeline. Just need to berusaha,sabar and percaya perancangan Allah.

This is the longest post I think that I've ever posted. So many things to nukilkan sampai dah bercampur aduk. I'll be back here again after this maybe more frequent.

